Hello Linux-fanatics. In this tutorial, we will be discussing “How we can create a LAMP server "..

LAMP server

A LAMP server is a software stack model that is used for hosting websites & web-apps. It is extremely powerful & very eay to use. Basically name LAMP started out as a lingo but it is an acronym for

  • Linux, which is an operating system. In our case, we are using RHEL/Centos 7,
  • Apache, is a web server. It fetches user’s request vis HTTP/HTTPS & provide requested content,
  • MariaDB, is a relational database. It is basically forked down version of MySQL server & it stores site data,
  • PHP, is a scripting language used for making dynamic & interactive web-pages.But P in some LAMP stacks can also mean Perl or Python depending on user’s need but normally PHP is used.

So, we will now be installing LAMP server on Centos/RHEL 7 but same steps can be used for installing LAMP on Centos/RHEL 6 as well with change being that instead of MariaDB, MySQL will be installed.

Now let’s start with installation & configuration of LAMP server. For this tutorial, I am assuming that you have already installed Centos/RHEL 7, which is L part of LAMP & now we will proceed to installing Apache web-server.

NOTE:- Before we move on to install anything on server, make sure that your server has all packages updated. Run following command to update the packages, if not done already

$ yum update


Installing Apache

We will install Apache using yum,

$ yum install httpd

After apache has been installed, start the service

$ systemctl start httpd

We will now test our apache server to see if its working properly or not. To check apache server, open your favourite web-browser & enter your server IP-Address


You will now see a default apache web-page,

LAMP server

Next, we will move on M part of LAMP, which is MariaDB,


Installing MariaDB

We will install MariaDB using yum only

$ yum install mariadb-server mariadb

Now, start server after its been installed

$ systemctl start mariadb

By default, root password is not setup in MariaDB. So we need to secure our database by assigning a password, which otherwise might turn out to be security threat & can led to unauthorized access. To secure our database, run the following command

$ mysql_secure_installation

You will now be asked to enter the password, since we just installed database it will be empty. So, just press enter & you will now be asked to if you want to set a root password, hit ‘Y’ & press enter.

Enter your desired password & confirm it. For the rest of the settings you can simply , hit ‘Y’ & press enter to use default values or change the values if you need to. But be sure of what you are changing.

LAMP server

Now, restart your database service to implement the changes.

$ systemctl restart maridb


Installing PHP

PHP (short Hypertex Preprocessor), is an open source scripting language which is widely for web-development . It runs scripts, connect to database to process the request for data.

PHP can be installed with yum only,

$ yum install php php-mysql php-gd php-pear

Now to test our PHP installation, we will create a file named test.php /var/www/html folder

$ vi /var/www/html/test.php

& add the following lines in it




Restart apache server & then open web-browser. Now enter the following url


You should now see a page with  all the details about php such as version, build date and commands etc. This just shows that our PHP is working as it should.

lamp server

Sometimes, we might require some additional PHP-modules along with default ones for the website, so we need to install those modules as well. Firstly we will search all the PHP-modules using

$ yum search php-

It will display the list of available PHP-modules. You can search & select the required module among the list. You can also view the information about a module by using the following command

$ yum info module_name

& to install the module, use

$ yum install module_name



That’s it guys, our LAMP stack is now installed & properly configured. We can now use it to host our website or web-app. If having any queries/problems, please use comment box below.