In this tutorial, we will learn about some useful PostgreSQL commands. We have already discussed the installation of PostgreSQL on CentOS & on Ubuntu systems. So let’s start,
Recommended Read : MongoDB installation & configuration on RHEL/CentOS
Also Read : Installing & Configuring MariaDB on RHEL/CentOS
PostgreSQL Commands
Connecting to PostgreSQL
When we install Postgres on our servers, a new user by the name ‘postgres’ is also created along with the installation. So when we are to connect to the PostgreSQL server, we will switch to this user & than connect the database,
# su – postgres
Now to connect to database, we will run the command ‘psql’,
$ psql
Once into the database, we can use ‘\q’ to exit the database,
postgres=# \q
Creating Roles
Now the PostgreSQL allows access to database based on roles, they are similar to ‘users’ in Linux system. Also we can create a set of roles, which is similar to ‘groups’ in Linux & based on these roles, a user’s access is determined. A role created will be applied globally & we don’t have to create it again for another database on the same server.
To create a role, first connect to database & then we will use command ‘createuser’,
postgres=# CREATE USER test;
Or we can also use the following,
postgres=# CREATE ROLE test;
Both these postgresql commands perform same functions.
To create a user with password,
$ CREATE USER test PASSWORD ‘enter password here’
Check all roles
To check all roles, connect to postgres database & than run the following command,
postgres=# \du
Delete a role
To delete a role, we will use the DROP command,
postgres=# DROP ROLE test;
Create a new Database
To create a new database, use the following,
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE linuxtechlab;
Delete a database
To delete a created database, use
postgres=# DROP DATABSE linuxtechla;
List all database
To list all database, run the following command,
postgres=# \l
or we can also use,
postgres=# \list
Connect to a database
To connect a database, first switch to the created user/role,
$ sudo -i -u test
than connect to database the following command,
$ psql -d linuxtechlab
Change to another database
Once connected to a database, we can also switch to another database without having to repeat the whole process of loggin into user & than connecting to different different database. We use the following command,
linuxtechlab=> \connect new_database
Create Table
To create a table, first connect to the desired database where the table is to be created. Next create table with the command,
linuxtechlab=> CREATE TABLE USERS (Serial_No int, First_Name varchar, Last_Name varchar);
Now insert some records into it,
linuxtechlab=> INSERT INTO USERS VALUES (1, ‘Dan’, ‘Prince’);
Check the tables database
To check the inserted table data, use
linuxtechlab=> SELECT * FROM USERS ;
& it will produce all the inserted data from the table USERS.
Delete a table
To delete a table from the database, we will use,
linuxtechlab=> DROP TABLE USERS:
List all the tables in a database
To check the tables of a database, use
linuxtechlab=> \dt
Adding a column to a table
Once a table has been created, it can be altered to add new columns to it using the following command,
linuxtechlab=> ALTER TABLE USERS ADD date_of_birth date;
Updating a Row
We can not only alter the columns of a table but can also update the records that are entered in rows,
linuxtechlab=> UPDATE USERS SET date_of_birth = ‘03-04-1990’ WHERE Seriel_No = ‘1’;
linuxtechlab=> SELECT * FROM USERS;
Last command was to verify the changes that were made.
Remove a Column
To remove a column from a table, run
linuxtechlab=> ALTER TABLE USERS DROP date_of_birth;
Remove a Row
To delete a row, use the following example,,
linuxtechlab=> DELETE FROM USERS WHERE Seriel_No = ‘1’;
Now these were only some of the important & useful PostgreSQL commands that we can use to work on PostgreSQL database. Please feel free to send in any questions you have regarding the tutorial using the comment box below.
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