We have earlier discussed How to install Node.js on Linux systems. In this tutorial, we will learn about NVM & process to install NVM on Linux. NVM stands for Node version manager & as you might have guessed with name, it's used to control Nodejs versions installed on our system. It is a command line utility, which allows us to use & switch between multiple versions of Nodejs.
It works on Linux & MacOS but does not yet support Windows machines, but there are some other 3rd party tools for Windows to do the same job.
(Recommended Read: Install Python PIP: A python package manager )
Install NVM on Linux
The process to install NVM on Linux is simple & same whether you are using Ubuntu or CentOS/RHEL. Firstly we need to download the install script for NVM & run it. Download & execute the install script by running the following command from terminal,
$ curl -o https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.33.6/install.sh | bash
Once the script has been executed without any errors, we need to source our .bash_profile for immediately affect the changes made,
$ source ~/.bash_profile
Now we are ready to use NVM for installing the various versions of Node.JS on our systems. To check & list all the available Node.JS versions, run the following command from the terminal,
$ nvm list-remote
This would produce the list of all available versions of Node.JS & output will look something like this,
We can then choose a version & install it using NVM. Let's suppose we need to install versions, v0.12.11 & v8.1.3, install them using the following command,
$ nvm install v0.12.11
$ nvm install v8.1.3
After installation, we can also set a default version which will start by default when we use Node.js. To set the default version, run the following command
$ nvm alias default v0.12.11
To switch to the different version, use the following command,
$ nvm use v8.1.3
To check the list of all installed Nodejs versions, use
$ nvm list
To remove an installed version of Nodejs, execute the following command,
$ nvm uninstall v8.1.3
With this, we end our tutorial on how to install NVM on Linux. Please feel free to send your questions & suggestions to us, using the comment box below.
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