In this article, we will learn about how to enable 2-factor authentication or multi-factor authentication (2FA / MFA) on the Gitlab server. MFA allows us to secure our Gitlab account by adding another layer of security.

Here is how to enable 2FA or MFA on Gilable server.

Enabling 2 FA for Gitlab

Login to your GitLab Accounts & access your 'User settings'. Select account & select 'Enable Two-factor Authentication'. The following screen will be displayed,

enable 2fa mfa on gitlab

To complete this step, you are required to install the AUTHY app, either on your mobile devices or your Laptops/Desktop).

If you are using the mobile app, then you can simply scan the bar code after opening the Authy App or if you are using Authy on your Laptop or Desktop, you need to copy the following highlighted text,

and paste it into the Authy app (there is a + icon on the Top Right corner in the app),

enable 2fa mfa on gitlab

Next select ‘Add Account’ and enter an Account Name as well as a logo & hit Save. You will now be shown a 6 digit code, copy it,

enable 2fa mfa on gitlab

And you are required to enter in the GitLab website,

enable 2fa mfa on gitlab

Then click on ‘Register with Two Factor App’, next click on ‘Proceed’. That’s it, you have successfully enabled 2FA for your account. To test it, you need to logout of the current session of Gitlab.

Try logging back in, after your initial ‘User Name & Password authentication, you will now be redirected to a new screen asking for Two Factor Authentication,

enable 2fa mfa on gitlab

Open Authy App & select your Gitlab account, copy the code being displayed to the above screen & click on ‘Verify Code’.

After successful authentication, you would than be redirected to your Gitlab Account Dashboard.

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