So I have been using Docker on & off for quite some time now, so when I started using Docker in 2016, I learned about it a bit & I learned about the Docker commands & I was quite comfortable with it. Then my role got changed & I was not using Docker anymore at all. Forward to 2018, I started using it again, but some things were changed with the way commands in Docker worked. Whenever I would reference a document, the commands were a bit changed, they were somewhat different.

Though their corresponding old commands would still work but Docker did introduce some changes & i believe those were welcomed changes. But it did create some confusion for me for a short while, some others might be confused with the old commands and new commands. I know most will say that these are not new commands as the change happened quite some time ago but still I thought of writing this article.

Recommended Read: The (in)complete Guide To DOCKER FOR LINUX

Also Read: How to manage network in Ubuntu 18.04 – Netplan Command

This article will work as a reference for old Docker commands & their replacement, the new & improved Docker commands. So earlier commands would be called like,

# docker command options

For example,

# docker run image-id

Now they are mentioned like.

# docker command sub-command option

For example,

# docker container run image-id

Now we will discuss some other important commands that got an upgrade & will also discuss some newly introduced commands in Docker.

The way this will work is, I will first mention the old command and then will mention the new command followed by a brief about the command, like,

# OLD_COMMAND --- NEW_COMMAND --- Brief introduction of command

So let’s get going.

Docker Commands

  • docker ps --- docker container ps --- provides list of all running containers.

  • docker run --- docker container run --- starts up a new container.

  • docker stop --- docker container stop --- stops a docker container.

  • docker logs --- docker container logs --- check the logs of the running container.

  • docker rm --- docker container rm --- deletes a running container.

  • docker run -it bash --- docker container run -it bash --- change the entry point to bash, create a terminal session for a new container.

  • docker exec -it bash --- docker container exec -it bash --- starts a shell session for running container.

  • docker port --- docker container port --- Show the mapped ports for the containers.

  • docker top --- docker container top --- provides all the processes running inside a container.

  • docker inspect --- docker container inspect --- get detailed information about an object.

  • docker stats --- docker container stats --- provides a live data stream of the running containers.

Then there are some new commands introduced as well related to Docker Networking.

Docker Networking Commands

  • docker network ls --- show the list networks created for docker.

  • docker network inspect --- show detailed information for one or more networks.

  • docker network create --- creates a new network.

  • docker network connect --- connect a container to a network.

  • docker network disconnect --- disconnect a network from a container.

  • docker network prune --- removes all unused networks.

I have tried to cover all the important commands that we use, but in case I have missed something  (which I am sure I have ) or have added something wrong or you have any query or questions regarding this tutorial, then you can write to us using the comment box below.

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