Excerpt: The computers of today's generations are very well equipped, and we can do almost everything with them. It is an important part of our day-to-day lives. How can we discuss computers without mentioning the operating system? The operating system is what establishes the link between humans and computers. We can only work and offer guidance to the computer due to the obvious operating system. It is difficult to choose a computer system, a mobile phone, a television, or any other digital device without an Linux operating system.

Table of contents:

  • Introduction
  • How safe is Linux
  • Tips to improve Linux security
  • Conclusion


When it comes to operating systems, such as Windows, Mac, Android, and others, there are numerous options. However, according to recent studies, Linux is the most widely used operating system. Around half of all internet users run a Linux-based operating system on their computers. There had been a time when Linux users thought of themselves as the fortunate ones who didn't have to worry about cyber-attacks or other types of vulnerabilities. However, Linux is one of the most common targets for malware. Today, it is critical to take the necessary steps to secure Linux.

We'll go over some pointers on how to improve the security of Linux systems.

Linux: How Safe Is It?

Despite the recent increase in attacks on Linux servers, Linux still has significant security and privacy benefits over specialised operating systems such as Windows and macOS. Because of the open-source code it provides and the constant, thorough review it undergoes. Linux already has a strict access privileges model that restricts root access, as well as a number of built-in kernel security defences such as firewalls. Notwithstanding all security benefits of Linux, the operating system remains vulnerable to the common ground due to frequent configuration errors and badly managed services.

Regardless of which distro you use, all network administrators should follow certain behaviours and best practices to protect their systems from malware, viruses, and other exploits. In this modern, ever-evolving risk environment, here are our top tips for optimising the security of your Linux system.

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You can use the following tips to improve your Linux security:

  • Select Complete Disk Encryption (FDE):

We highly suggest that you encrypt a whole hard disc regardless of which operating system you are using. A simple login password does not protect your data if your laptop is reported stolen: a thief can boot into Linux from such a USB key and peruse all of your data without a password. It is highly advised to install the Linux operating system with an encrypted drive option, regardless of the flavour, such as BackTrack, Kubuntu, or others

The operating system asks you to encrypt the drive during installation. This is where you must select Full Disk Encryption (FDE) to ensure that our Linux system is secure and safe in every way. You can protect your data by encrypting your hard drive because a thief won't be able to interpret that without the FDE password.

The benefit of FDE over simply encrypting your home folder and its contents is that you won't be worried about temporary files, swap files, or other directories where important files could end up without your knowledge. Whether this is done for an SSD (or Hard Disk Drive) on a smartphone like a laptop, data is completely secure, and all those who recognise their password can access it unless they physically possess the hardware device. Once logging in to all these systems, a password is required.


  • Ensure that the system is up to date:

To retain the Linux server secure, remember to check for updates on a regular basis. To evaluate security flaws, new patches could indeed address newly discovered vulnerabilities. Regrettably, many Linux users are unable to apply these upgrades. You must always maintain your operating system and applications, such as web browsers, PDF readers, and video players, up to date, regardless of which operating system you should use. If you're struggling to keep up with the necessary security updates, take into account automating the process.

Enable automatic updates to ensure that everything in the system is up to date. Automatic updates may occasionally download unneeded patches; sure, please check for updates while installing the new update. Additionally, try to keep the content management system, plug-ins, as well as other add-on features up to date, as each new patch fixes security issues.


  • Create a Firewall:

Linux, like Windows and a variety of third-party security systems, allows you to set up a firewall within your system. When enabled, the firewall acts as a barrier against malicious code entering the system through common access points such as email or web browsers.

You'll have all ports snugly closed down even if you don't disable the built-in default protections because they do not want people from accessing such vulnerable parts on their computer—which appears to mean someone else may find it so much easier to attack them once they're not obstructing everything from within at first quick look. The firewall isn't enabled by default on most Linux systems.

It will, nevertheless, be contained within an iptables component inside its kernel. Enable and Disallow rules can be created to accept or send traffic from a specific IP address. Unapproved traffic or motion on the server is prohibited by these rules. To enable the Linux firewall, open a terminal window and type:

# sudo apt-get update guf

After that, type the following command and press Enter: è gufw 

* GUFW (Graphical Uncomplicated Firewall) is an acronym for Graphical Uncomplicated Firewall.


  • VPN should be used:

It's not just common sense to use a VPN to protect your online privacy; it's the law!

By masking IP addresses as well as other identifying details on web browsing history or indeed any internet activity, you do while using one of these services; you can help make sure that it is no matter how much crazy thing the government tries next – whether on purpose or by accident – people will never have sufficient data points with which to monitor us effectively. Whenever it comes to deciding on a Linux VPN, there are several factors to consider, such as security, ease of use, speed, and encryption technology.

There are numerous Linux VPN services to choose from, but you must also keep an eye on routers because these routers are the source of the majority of security flaws. Many widely known routers have been found to have serious security flaws and never have got a single firmware update even though they were first installed, making them an almost impenetrable link for both you and the cyber-criminal world out front.


  • Remove any software that isn't required:

Since it is captivating to install new software, not everyone's online services are required. It's good that you can add different parcels to extend the functionality. Any package that you install gains access to the servers once it is installed. Adding more packages, software, and third-party repositories, on the other hand, can increase the server's vulnerabilities. To secure the Linux server, all unnecessary packages and software must be removed.

In the long run, the required tools may present severe security risks. At least once per year, conduct a system-wide software and cyber-security audit. Even when adding new apps, the above simple commitment could really enhance your server and keep it running at peak efficiency. To review recently installed items, use an RPM (Red Hat Package Manager).


  • Apply Anti-Virus Software To Your Computer:

Some may argue that installing anti-virus software on such a Linux-based operating system is pointless.  The other half of the assertion is that the majority of malware you'll find on a Linux computer is for Windows, so why should you be held liable for it? "Why not?" is the inevitable solution. What if you share an infected file with someone else, making yourself a part of the issue rather than the solution?"

The other side of the argument would be that malware on Linux desktops is so uncommon that you could almost forget about it. These cyber-attacks are becoming more common with the flow of time, so you won't be able to defend yourself if you are targeted. There is a wide range of Linux anti-virus software to choose from. You can easily find the best ones by searching for them and their characteristics. Finally, you can choose the most appropriate and effective one for your system.


  • Make use of SELinux:

SELinux has two different modes: Enforcing and Permissive. Enforcing is a robust security model that enacts all policies in order to improve security. SELinux's Permissive mode somehow doesn't enforce the server policy, but it does log and review the activities. Applying Security Linux, also known as SELinux, is an excellent way to gain more control over your system's access.

SELinux is a highly fine-grained and technological-required required access control (MAC) system which blocks access further than conventional discretionary access control (DAC) methods like file permissions or access control lists (ACLs) can accomplish.

When a user (subject) tries to access a file (object), SELinux checks the access through AVC (Access Vector Cache), which caches all subject and object permissions. As a result, SELinux should be installed and used to protect the Linux server from third-party attacks.


  • Disable the USB port:

Trying to block the use of USB ports on a computer is an essential way to bolster your Linux security and make it secure from attack. Much sophisticated malware will instantly activate once you plug in a pen drive; therefore, this tip should become standard practice for anyone looking to improve their system's security.

Even though this method might very well keep your Linux system as secure as possible, you will have to stop using USB devices and look for alternative data transfer methods.


  • Improve Your Browser's Security:

Whether you use Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, or another browser, the browser is the gateway to many current cyber threats. There are numerous free extensions available to enhance the security and privacy of your browser, among other things. You may have configured your Linux system to be as secure as possible, but how about the internet browser you use?

Many malware and phishing attacks use your browser to gain access to your system. Simple security extensions (available for all major browsers) will give your system an extra layer of security and privacy.


  • External Device Booting should be disabled:

External devices, such as USB drives, can easily be used by malicious users to gain access to sensitive information. Tangible attacks, which can be just as risky as hacking, can be reduced by disabling external device booting. Without all of these extra steps, anyone can easily bypass many security layers. As a result, make sure that all external devices that are booting are turned off to keep the server secure.


Cyber-attacks and computer viruses are on the rise, posing a serious threat to your system. All Linux users can improve their security posture by practising good cyber hygiene and incorporating the tips and best practices offered in this article. Remember that hardening and securing Linux servers is a continuous process that requires auditing, application patches, and data backups. Keeping track of such requirements can save you a lot of time and frustration.

Linux, like any other operating system, is not without flaws. And by understanding this simple truth, you are effectively giving yourself the best chance of keeping your computer safe. Rather than ignoring potential risks and assuming that you are operating on a secure platform, take these simple precautions to ensure that you are protected.

Author Bio

Meravath Raju is a Digital Marketer, and a passionate writer, who is working with MindMajix, a top global online training provider. He also holds in-depth knowledge of IT and demanding technologies such as Business Intelligence, Salesforce, Cybersecurity, Software Testing, QA, Data analytics, Project Management and ERP tools, etc.

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