Microsoft continues to lead in offering business solutions today. Any Microsoft Office 365 app is likely to have significance in any ecommerce business. Luckily, most ASP ecommerce platforms have integrated the most useful Microsoft Office 365 apps to help in planning and collaborations in teams, among other purposes. 

For newbies in ecommerce, you should know something about these apps before using them. If this is what you are looking for, there is no need to fret, this guide will shed more light.

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What Is a Microsoft Office 365 App?

If you mention the word Microsoft Office 365 app, many people will think about Word, Excel, Outlook, and PowerPoint. The Suite has numerous apps designed to help businesses in many ways. The services are accessible through a mobile platform just like web solutions.

For now, our interest is in Microsoft Office 365 apps designed for ecommerce, particularly those that help in scheduling work, managing teams, and collaboration. Many of them come as a web part on the SharePoint platform, but they can also be used independently. 

Top Microsoft Office 365 App for Ecommerce

Although there are many Microsoft Office 365 apps today, any ecommerce can only use a number of them depending on their needs. Apart from the usual applications such as Word, Excel, Outlook, and PowerPoint, here are other apps to take advantage of, especially when using SharePoint or ecommerce platforms.

  • Office 365 Calendar App – It is a superior app for scheduling tasks, assigning them to teams, and marking events on the calendar that need dates or timelines. It can be synced with other solutions and calendars in a business.
  • Office 365 Alerts App – If you are looking for a Microsoft Office 365 app to keep tabs on everything that is happening on your team, this is the app to have. It is also used to notify clients on different issues via email or text message.
  • Office 365 Bulk File Uploader – Any Microsoft Office 365 app that will teams to work fast is crucial. And this is one of them because it uploads many files to the SharePoint libraries at once. 
  • Office 365 Workflows – This Microsoft Office 365 app helps teams to create dozens of workflows in the system and even keep the right people notified. 
  • Kanban Board App – It is used to manage tasks in an easy for teams that use SharePoint libraries and resources.

Benefits of Microsoft Office 365 Apps

In ecommerce, most Microsoft Office 365 apps are used in tasks and resource management. Take an example of Office 365 Workflow Scheduler, Resource Manager App, or the Kanban Board App. They are all designed to help in the management and help in other functions. 

They also help teams to collaborate and stay updated in real-time. Whether it is the Calendar App, Office 365 Alerts App, or any other, they will keep the teams in the loop on everything. 

Lastly, they enhance operations. Any Microsoft Office 365 app is about making operations easier and reducing the time it takes to complete tasks.

In Summary

It is important to choose the right Microsoft Office 365 app for your ecommerce if you want to have effective teams. This guide has covered important insight for beginners including what these apps are, the top examples, and their benefits.

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