Migrate your SEO without losing ranks. But how?

If you want to migrate your site without hurting the ranking positions, then you have certainly landed in the right place. In this article, we are going to tell you all about website migration and how it can affect you. You would also learn how to maintain your rankings after reading this three-minute post. If you want to make an urgent migration and have some reservations about it, then we would suggest you read on.

First, know that migration is very important for a website. As your business grows and evolves, your website will age too! As your website ages, it has to undergo migrations and updates. The sad thing is that not many webmasters and digital marketers prepare for migrations. And when the time comes, they fail.

If the site’s migration is not done properly, you must be ready for loss in traffic and SEO score!

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What is website migration?

In simple terms, a website moving from one digital entity to another one is known as website migration. There are different types of migrations that your website can go through, and first, we are going to tell you all about the different website migrations and how they can affect your site!

Platform migration

Platform migration is related to changing the content management system of the website. The content management system of a website is a complete application with different tools. These tools have used the creation of content for websites and blogs. Changing the content management system can disturb the coding and SEO options of the website.

Website structure

Sometimes you also have to change your website structure to redesign your digital business. Changing the layout of your website can affect the way how content is displayed on it. It doesn't only affect the way your website displays content, but it also affects how the search engine sees and reads your website. If you do this carelessly, then you can seriously affect the ranking position of the website.

Changes in the domain name

Changes in the domain name are also a type of website migration. You must know that changing your domain name is going to have a large impact on the SEO score and status of your website. If you decide to change the domain name of the website, then you have to redo the branding of the site from scratch. You also have to find and add new keywords that are relevant to the new domain name.

Web host change

This kind of migration is done if you are not satisfied with your current service provider. People usually change web hosts if they want to get friendlier services than they already have. Changing the web host is a big step, and you would have to subscribe with new IPs, new servers, and even the address of your business. This migration can also affect the flow of traffic on your site, especially if they don't have an expert team.

Now that you know about the common types of migrations let us move to the next section!

How website migration hurts your search rankings?

Usually, migration is done to improve the flow of traffic and user experience, but sometimes it can backfire. Here are some of the common issues that you should know about when it comes to migration:

Content errors

One of the most common problems that occur because of migration is content duplication and bad redirects. When you are getting your site ready for migration, you have to make sure that the text and the image content on the website are properly indexed. If you don't index it, then it is simply going to get duplicated. Moreover, many people would try to steal from your site at the time of migration. Using an online plagiarism checker can help you a lot in finding duplicate content issues. You can always find free and reliable plagiarism detector tools like the one by searchenginereports.net for plagiarism test.

Losing images

As we have told you earlier, content can easily get lost and corrupted in the process of migration. But you can easily find your indexed images on the search engine if you use the online image search tools. Using reverse image search tools like the one by searchenginereports.net is very important for a website that wants to find lost or relevant images. You must also know that with reverse image search tools, a person can also check image plagiarism.

How to migrate without losing rankings?

If you want the migration process to be smooth and simple, then you need to plan. Below we have listed some things that you have to look at when it comes to migrating a site:

  • First, most determine whether migration is necessary or not. If it isn't, then you should never do it without preparation.
  • Create a proper website migration strategy.

The migration strategy would include the following points!

  1. Content and web page auditing.
  2. Checking website analytics.
  3. Backing up your website
  4. Map the new website before migration
  5. Prepare for the worst outcomes!

This was just a brief on how you could migrate SEO without losing ranks. Please do let us know if you have any queries or questions using comment box below.

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