Video game development is a job that can be done by one person or a team. It all depends on the time allotted to create the product, its level of complexity, and the skills required to complete the job. If we are talking about large-scale games, then they are created by teams within the company that specialize in console and PC gaming products.

If you look at the statistics in the gaming field, then out of the total number of games created and put into circulation, only 1% achieve success. The fact is that many developers firmly believe that the product will be successful only if there is a good idea. In fact, this idea becomes successful only in two cases:

  1. It was properly drawn up and presented with documentation.
  2. There is a team of experienced professionals who can turn the idea into reality.

For example, a gaming company employs highly qualified specialists who know exactly how to use the resources and game plots given to them.

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Stages of game development

To get a game product, you need to go a long way to develop it. It consists of four key steps and these are:

  1. Preparatory. At this stage, an idea is formed, profitable strategies are selected, a preliminary market analysis is carried out, a search is carried out, the selection of team members or one developer, if the product is small-scale. Also at this stage, management methods are selected. This stage includes such a moment as market analysis in order to understand your consumer, get acquainted with competitors and their products, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of these products.
  2. Pre-production. At this stage, documentation is drawn up, the concept of the game and the budget is calculated, the cohesion of the team and the harmonious interaction of its members with each other are checked, a business plan and a project plan are drawn up, all the processes that will be carried out in the process of creating a product are thought out.
  3. Production. This is the stage of the creation of the game. Documentation is also being worked on here: a game design project, promotion plans and marketing strategy are being created. Specialists think over in advance the moments to solve the problems that arise during the work, the installations and plans that were developed at the pre-production stage are adjusted. The qualitative result of this stage can be considered the created version of the game, which is not yet fully completed, but it can already be shown to the user.
  4. Release. This is the most important step that requires developers to bring the product to perfection. Final testing is carried out, the compatibility of the game with different types of platforms and devices is checked, and the product is added to the store for general use.

Experts in the gaming field, like a game development service, will help you go through all these stages and get a finished high-quality game, using only an idea.

Game development engines

To get the game, developers use engines - such sets of tools with which it is convenient and easy to work with graphics, scripts, physics and other elements.

There are two options for obtaining an engine: you can write it yourself or use a ready-made solution. Each of the methods has its pluses and minuses.

Ready engine: all PROS and CONS its use

By choosing a ready-made solution, you can get the following benefits:

  • saving time, as part of the work has already been done and there is no need to create a product from scratch;
  • you can take the help of people in the thematic community who use one or another engine;
  • with the help of many ready-made engines, you can quickly move the game from one platform to another;
  • there are many free solutions. In this case, all you have to do is spend a little time downloading it and start using it right away;
  • Some engines have stores where you can pick up additional useful items, such as ready-made models, scripts and effects.

Among the minuses one can note the hit of bugs, the restriction of freedom, the risks that other authors can remake your engine.

Pros and cons of a self-created engine

The advantages of such a solution are the maximum freedom of action, the sharpening of the product for personal needs, and excellent optimization.

Among the minuses are high cost, duration of work and the need to have special knowledge to perform such work.

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