e-Learning became incredibly popular during the pandemic, and it’s probably going to grow even more in the next few years. 

In this article, we’ll unpack exactly what you should look for when hiring e-learning app developers or an agency that offers elearning development services

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What Does an e-Learning App Development Company Do?

Companies that offer e-Learning app development services build engaging and user-friendly apps used for virtual learning. These apps could be used to record or stream different lessons or lectures or to provide organizational training.

What Should You Look for in e-Learning Website Development Services?

E-learning software development services can vary dramatically from company to company, so it’s important that you find a company that matches your requirements and budget. 

  1. The Right Tech Stack 

When you are putting together an app, your tech stack is similar to the building materials you use when you are building a house. It’s the programming languages, tools, and frameworks you will use to create your web or mobile app. 

Your developers need experience in modern frameworks like React.js, Node.js, Nest.js, Gatsby.js, and GraphQL, and use tools and databases like AWS, Firebase, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and StyledComponents.

  1. A Good Portfolio

Start by compiling a list of candidate companies and then narrow it down by reviewing their portfolio. A portfolio gives you great insight into technical expertise, themes, experience, and more. The portfolio should contain projects similar in requirements and size to the project you would like them to work on.  

  1. Satisfied Clients

There’s nothing wrong with asking for references from an app developer’s past clients. If possible, you should ask them about their experience in person. Was the project delivered on time? Were they happy with the results? What did they learn or would improve upon if they could do it over? If you can’t speak to them in person, look for unbiased written reviews written online. 

  1. App Testing Options

You wouldn’t buy a car without a test drive, and you shouldn’t commit to an expensive app project without testing it. Some development agencies will give you app access from past projects so that you can review the work they’ve done. 

  1. Transparency and Openness

Ask a lot of questions about their transparency policy and feedback loop. Do they use an agile methodology to develop the application as quickly as possible? How do they approach change requests and feedback? How do they receive feedback? How often will you be given a status report? A good development company will welcome your input and be totally transparent throughout the process. You also want to determine what happens to the source code upfront - you don’t want to lose ownership after the project is completed. 

  1. Budget-Friendliness

You get what you pay for, so it’s not always a good idea to go for the cheapest option. However, a good developer agency should suit your pocket and your requirements. Don’t just consider their hourly rate, though. Even an agency with low rates can blow your budget if they don’t deliver the project on time. Make sure that the agency you pick commits to your deadlines and your budget upfront. 


If you want to own a piece of this very lucrative pie and create an online learning platform of your own, you have to hire an e-learning app development company that’s up to the task. Before you hire it, make sure you perform the necessary checks and ask the right questions. You want a company that is easy to work with, affordable, and honest at all times. 

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