At the moment, a rather favorable situation is developing on the market - its volume is growing, the average price of a project is increasing, and the demand from customers is quite high. However, given the rapid growth in the total number of Runet users (for example, in the regions), this is not surprising and quite natural.

A large number of companies (more than a thousand) operate on the market, most of which consist of 3-4 people and operate in a low price range. Website development is one of the most popular and widespread types of business among tech-savvy youth.

The great difficulty in quantifying any market parameters is the main reason for the complete absence of any analytical information, while the situation in the “neighboring” Internet advertising market is much more transparent. If you want to enhance your Real estate website, Showcaseidx offers an idx plugin to give your business the website it deserves.

Recommended Read: Create your own WordPress Website from Scratch: Step by Step

Also Read: Step by step guide to create a FREE WORDPRESS WEBSITE

Low threshold for a company to enter the market

The low barrier to entry is what makes the website development market so popular for young people (mostly students) and solo freelancers. Indeed, to create a web studio, it is enough to assemble a team of 2-4 people, create your own website and start looking for clients. An office is not required, as is the permanent staff.

A large number of small website development studios

Due to the low entry threshold, the market is flooded with a huge number of real estate website development and just singles. This is a key problem in the development of the market. It is difficult for an inexperienced customer to find his way among a large number of contractors, and he often acts at random or “out of acquaintance”, receiving a product of obviously low quality. Some companies are the next step in developing their business on the Internet, moving to more professional developers. Many, having made “the first pancake lumpy,” become convinced of the futility of the idea as a whole and leave everything as it is.

Growing customer competence

Until now, representatives of many companies still have little idea why they need a website and what should be on it.

However, for most large companies (with developed marketing and advertising departments) and companies for which the Internet is an important channel of communication with the client:

  • real estate; 
  • automotive industry;
  • tourism; 
  • household appliances and electronics; 
  • IT companies.

There has been a significant increase in the literacy of managers responsible for Internet direction.

This is a key moment in the development of the market. The customer began to understand that the Internet can be profitable, and at the same time to realize what he really needs. In addition to the growth of marketing literacy (understanding goals and how to achieve them), the level of technical literacy is also growing. Often the customer makes requirements for the functionality of the site and its engine, taking these parameters into account when choosing a contractor. Many customers offer to use external independent CMS systems to build the site.

Number of employees in the state according to the survey

According to the survey results, more than 70% of studios have a staff of less than 10 people.

Studios with more than 25-30 full-time employees on the market no more than twenty.

In this case, it is necessary to make an allowance for the fact that the most active companies took part in the survey (as a rule, medium and large ones), which slightly overestimates the real figure.

Price niches according to the survey

The cost of developing a simplified corporate website (2 design templates, 1 Flash-block on the main page, 15-20 final pages, product catalog for 30-40 items, search, sitemap, feedback form, news publishing system). The overwhelming majority of companies (almost 80%) operate in the price range from 1 to 5 thousand dollars.

Market size assessment

At the moment, in Russia, there was not a single study that would adequately assess the size of the website development market. This is due to the large number of small studios that significantly erode the market and whose activities are difficult to analyze.

In addition, it is not customary in the market to announce the budgets that customers spend on paying for the services of web studios, just as web studios never give out complete information about their financial performance. 

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